Grueling Oahu trek raises funds for Shriners Hospital

A warm Mahalo to EcoCab Hawaii owners and brothers, David and Scott Jung, for their continuing support of Shriners Hospitals for Children — Honolulu. On August 22, 2015 at 6 a.m., David and Scott began their amazing six-day long walk around Oahu’s 130-mile perimeter, amounting to an average of 26 grueling miles a day, including sleeping overnights in a tent.

The Jung brothers’ walk raised over $4,000 and attracted much support from the community during the six-day venture.

Scott Jung posted daily updates of their walk on Facebook as well as their Indiegogo support page. The Jung brothers’ story was also covered by Denby Fawcett in, which chronicled part of their adventure.

David Jung told Fawcett that they decided to donate money from their walk to Shriners because they admire the life-changing treatments the hospital has given to more than 160 children from Korea, including many orphans.

With each brother carrying a 30-pound backpack containing their supplies and extreme heat conditions as a result from Hurricane Kilo, the Jung brothers’ difficult journey was truly inspiring.



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